Diving in Goa – travel blog by Abeer, part 2

So where had we left off? Ohhh, right. Well, I felt the cold wash into my suit. I was suddenly having a hard time keeping my secondary regulator ( mouthpiece for breathing) in my mouth. I felt myself descending and I kept trying hard to regulate the pressure in my ears by holding my nose and blowing out. Sounds easier than it is when you’re under water.

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I saw many different types of fish swimming around me. I then saw the front of a rusted sunken ship, it was covered with seaweed growing all over it…it looked sort of green. A beautiful sight. After that instructor Roshan made me descend further and my ears were bursting. I managed to touch the coarse sand for half a second before they flew off my palm. Now, my ears were paining so bad I just couldn’t resist the urge to signal to Roshan to get me back above water. So I did. 

He ‘signal-told’ me that it was anyway time to get back up. I was relieved to suddenly find myself floating above water. I was then positioned at the absolute tip point of the boat with half of my suit off and water dripping from places which I don’t quite want to tell you about. 5 minutes later, I found my brother eating biscuits leaning on the other side of a long wooden pole that the anchor was tied to. I got biscuits too. 

After that time passed quite slowly, we waited for about 2 hours for everyone else to finish their diving. One person hit his head on the sunken ship and had a line of blood trickling down. But fortunately, thank God, he felt better. Then I snorkelled a bit with dad after he came back from his dive. After 5-10 minutes everyone started piling back into the boat. Eating snacks on the ‘hour-and a half’ journey back, getting further away from Grand Island, we actually spotted a dolphin!! 

We finally reached back exhausted and tired. I am now writing this review for my great instructor and everybody out there reading this blog. You can find the Part1 of this blog here.

I highly recommend scuba-diving to everyone, it’s a great experience! Hope you love it, thanks to all of you!!



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